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Holidayhoopla! / December 2 / Underexposed Studios

Holidayhoopla! / Underexposed Studios
Friday, December 2 / 5:30-8pm

436 Cerrillos Rd. (at Sandoval)

Join us in toasting to the holidays! It’s been an inspiring year for the relaunch of Design Corps with new events, new endeavors, new collaborations, and new members. Not to mention the premier Where We Meet event — thank you Friends of Architecture Santa Fe and Santa Fe Art Institute!

Let’s celebrate among friends and colleagues over apps and cocktails — see you at Underexposed Studios on December 2nd! All are welcome — it’s about building relationships — learning more about Design Corps Members and their services, and meeting those you can collaborate with on future projects. Kindly let us know if you plan to attend by sending your RSVP below.