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We stand by our principles.

Good design stimulates change.

Good design is an active process. It stimulates learning, experimenting, and strategic problem-solving that ignites change.

Good design motivates people.

Design for the community is integrative, proactive and engaging. It motivates people to action for social good.

Good design is an investment.

Design is an investment in innovative thinking and communication that in turn creates value for businesses and organizations. Design not only plays a key role in economic development, it drives progressive change in the community.

Good design is collaborative.

Social, systemic, or infrastructural problems of today require input and support from many sources. Designers recognize the need for supporting fair and open competition, and encourage collaboration for greater overall benefit.

Good design is participatory.

Design requires consistent and responsible communication from both designer and client. A client’s knowledge of their organization combined with a designer’s expertise are integral to the design process.

Good design does not undervalue itself.

A professional designer, recognizing the value and benefit of their services, does not undertake speculative work (“spec work” = free design work in hopes of getting payment).