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Corps Coffee ~ Professional Business Practices

Photos courtesy of Alex Ignacio/Narrative Media

Hopefully everyone is well rested and getting a fresh perspective on the New Year!

We’re jumping into our January 2016 Corps Coffee with a conversation about best business practices. We’ve gathered a collection of commonly used sites and resources that should improve your professional practice, or at the very least give you some insight into better relationships with your clients.
Please add your thoughts and questions in the comments below!

Legalities Column

A Q&A column housed within the San Francisco Chapter of AIGA’s website… Legalities is a service of Linda Joy Kattwinkel, provided to help you become familiar with legal issues that may affect graphic artists. From her footnote: “…Legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and nothing provided there should be used as a substitute for advice of legal counsel. Linda Joy Kattwinkel is an attorney, painter and former graphic artist/illustrator. She practices intellectual property law, arts law and mediation for artists with the firm Owen, Wickersham and Erickson in San Francisco. She can be reached at 415-882-3200 or”

AIGA’s Standards of Professional Practice/Business Ethics

Standards of Professional Practice
Design Business and Ethics
The above amongst other general contracts are also housed at Docracy. “… a home for contracts and other legal documents, socially curated by the communities that use them. Our mission is to make these documents freely available for everyone, while in the process making them easier to customize and use.”

Contracts/Terms & Conditions

Smashing Magazine’s Contract Samples for Designers
Sample Terms & Conditions



Time Tracking & Invoicing


Tax Advice for Graphic Designers and Visual Artists

June Walker (in Santa Fe)